13 June 2007

Top 'o the mornin' to ya! Here is me reporting for duty. *laugh* Not actually duty but I realized that my blog has become dormant in the shadow of my World of Warcraft enjoyment. Who knew that one little game could bring so much joy and immerse someone so completely? I sure didn't. I originally thought I would look at the game and see if it was something I could help parker learn to play and maybe figure out if it was worth that $15 a month that people were paying to play it. I never even completed my free trial. In the first 3 days I knew that this was not a free trial game. This was a long term commitment to a world of adventure and excitement! A world of cute little gnomes that kill you with one fireball, of ugly orcs set on taking down the entire 'pretty' side of Azeroth. This was a world of which I had to be a part. So here I am 6 months later, many characters in and only one little blog post since March to sum up the time spent online. So in case you were ever wondering, yes the darling Randi is alive and well and swimming through the screens of Warcraft in New Mexico.

Besides all that life with the family and boys is always the greatest pleasure. I am constantly in awe of how we work together and grow as one loving entity. The boys are amazing. Always leaving me in wonder at the things they say or the obvious standards with which they choose to live their lives. As cliché as it may sound my cup literally runneth over with gratitude for all of them.

So that is it, this is me now. Life is fabulous! Enjoy yours!

19 March 2007

The zoo was such a great time for all of us. It is exactly the type of thing I was hoping for when we first planned this trip to visit. I have no greater joy than spending time with my family and I feel blessed to have gotten to see them all during this trip as I have gotten to see all of them. For now though here are the family pictures taken at the zoo. Arent we all so beautiful?!

I have lots more pictures of the fun in SLC so far including a trip to my dad's, playing the newspaper and others but this is all I have time for today. Hopefully I will get time tomorrow to put up more :)

Ok so we are in the middle of the trip to Utah to see our beloved family. We arrived last week and spent the first few days here at Lucas' with the boys before they went on to spend time with their dad. We did however, make it a family affair on a trip to the zoo. I know you cant believe it but I took pics!

There is water flowing over that big black ball behind the boys there that couldnt go without being played in..note the wet shirts :)

Egan came too but he got to ride on his mom's back, that lucky fellow!

Ok so I took a bunch a pictures of the animals and put them in slideshows to make 'em easier to view. Enjoy!

Those are just some of the animals we saw at the zoo. A fun time was had by all.